If you bring your dog to The Netherlands, and it stays here for longer than three months, you must have your dog registered and you need a European animal passport. This is mandatory as of November this year and it needs to be done by a veterinarian, within two weeks after arrival.
What you, the owner of the dog, must do:
- You have to request a “Unique Business Number” from the Dutch government. You can do this online on their website (choose: “kies huisdierlocatie: registreren”). The number is linked to you as a person. You can register multiple dogs with the same number. The request costs are €19. You’ll receive the invoice from the government next year.
- Call us to make an appointment for your dog(s).
- Bring the UBN number to the appointment.
- The vet will register the chip number of your dog, together with the European passport number. If you don’t have a European passport for your dog yet, we are obligated to make one.
- The vet registers your dog and its passport at a special portal. This way, if your dog gets lost, and found by a vet/shelter/animal ambulance, they can read the chip and find your information.
Important: Without the UBN number, we can’t complete the registration. The registration is required by the Dutch government, not registering your dog is punishable.
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